Ashibarai - Foot sweep made by sweeping the opponent's foot out from under him.
Fumikomigeri - Stamping kick made downwards with the side or heel of the foot. Hizageri - Forward knee strike. Hizamawashigeri - Roundhouse knee strike. Kingeri - Groin kick made with the top of the foot. Maegeri - Front kick made with the ball, heel, or toe tips of the foot. Maetobigeri - Flying or jumping front kick. Mawashigeri - Roundhouse kick made with the ball or instep of the foot. |
Mikazukigeri - Crescent kick made from the outside to the inside using the sole of the foot.
Namigaeshi - Returning wave kick made by bringing the foot upwards and inwards striking with the sole or side of the foot as found in naihanchi kata. Soto mikazukigeri - Outside crescent kick using the side of the foot moving from inside to outside. Ushirogeri - Back kick made backwards using the heel of the foot. Ushirokingeri - Backward groin kick made by bringing the heel upward. Yokogeri - Side kick made to the side using the side of the foot. |